Jason Rowe

Be curious! Choose your own adventure.

Intro to Propositional Logic Using C#

I’ve been reading about propositional (or sentential) logic in the book “The Annotated Turing”. I put together a quick console app to write out truth tables. It helped me get the hang of the mathematical notation “v”, “&”, and “->”. In C# those would be ||, &&, and !x || y respectively. I hope someone else finds it useful.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace PropositionalLogic
    public class Program
        public class truthvalue
            public bool X { get; set; }
            public bool Y { get; set; }

        public static bool XorY(bool x, bool y)
            return (x || y);

        public static bool XandY(bool x, bool y)
            return (x && y);

        public static bool Exclusive(bool x, bool y)
            return (x && y) && !(x && y);// always false

        public static bool Tautoloty(bool x, bool y)
            return x || y || (!x && !y);// always true

        public static bool Contradition(bool x, bool y)
            return x || (y && !y);

        public static bool MaterialImplication(bool x, bool y)
            return !x || y; 
            //this can also be expressed as the following conjunction !(x && !y);

        public static bool BiConditional(bool x, bool y)
            return MaterialImplication(x, y) && MaterialImplication(y, x); //"if and only if"

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var truthTable = new List<truthvalue>
                                     new truthvalue() {X = false, Y = false},
                                     new truthvalue() {X = false, Y = true},
                                     new truthvalue() {X = true, Y = false},
                                     new truthvalue() {X = true, Y = true}

            var sentences = new Dictionary<string , Func<bool, bool, bool>>
                                    {"X v Y", XorY},
                                    {"X & Y", XandY},
                                    {"(x v y)& -(x & y)", Exclusive},
                                    {"x v y v (-x & -y)", Tautoloty},
                                    {"x -> y", MaterialImplication},
                                    {"x ~ y", BiConditional}

            CalculateTruthTable(truthTable, sentences);


        private static void CalculateTruthTable(IEnumerable<truthvalue> truthTable, 
Dictionary<string , Func<bool, bool, bool>> sentences)
            foreach (var sentence in sentences)
                Console.WriteLine("|X      |Y      |{0}  |", sentence.Key);

                foreach (var value in truthTable)
                    var x = value.X;
                    var y = value.Y;

                    var result = sentence.Value(x, y);

                    Console.WriteLine("|{0}  |{1}  |{2}  |", PrettyPrint(x), PrettyPrint(y), 

        private static string PrettyPrint(bool input)
            return input ? input + " " : input.ToString();






2 responses to “Intro to Propositional Logic Using C#”

  1. Tavi Truman Avatar

    Very cool Jason. I’m in the process of designing and coding a library for Propositional, First-Order and a few other Logic paradigms in support for our native C# Reasoners.

    Fun Coding and thanks for sharing.


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