Jason Rowe

Be curious! Choose your own adventure.

Tag: MVC

  • ASP.NET Core Problem Details examples

    In versions 2.1 and 2.2, ASP.NET Core added a feature called “Problem Details” which will help you standardize error messages in API controllers. In 2.2, file new project enables “Problem Details” by default for errors thrown from controllers using the “[ApiController]” attribute. Also with the help from a nuget package Hellang.Middleware.ProblemDetails you can add these […]

  • Factory Pattern using Windsor and MVC

    I ran into a situation where I wanted to return a dynamically drawn image based on the file name . For example, if someone requested somedomain.com/image/legacypage42.foo the “legacypage42.foo” would be the name of the Windsor component used to draw the image. The first thing I needed to do was change that page into a parameter […]